Ines Hildur : Workshops 2020

You will find below the list of Ines Hildur workshops of 2020 :

Germany : 12 to 16 January 2020

Black and white painting .. a void that is not nothing / Schwarz-Weiß-Malerei .. eine Leere, die kein Nichts ist

Free Art Academy Augsburg

Germany : 24 and 25 January 2020

Pompeian Red Eucalyptus Green and GüldenGlanz / Pompejanisch Rot Eukalyptus Grün und GüldenGlanz


Germany : 11 to 15 February 2020

Working title: Non-color [MEETS] color / Arbeitstitel: Non-color [MEETS] color

Gaienhofen / Horn on Lake Constance

Germany : 19 to 23 February 2020

Working title: color fire / Arbeitstitel: color fire

Free Art Academy Gerlingen
at Stuttgart

Germany : 12 to 15 March 2020

Find shapes – gesture stain area shape / Formen finden – Geste Fleck Fläche Form

Free Art Academy Hamburg

Germany : 23 to 28 March 2020

Working title: black and white painting / Arbeitstitel: Schwarz-Weiss-Malerei

Factory on the lake – Gaienhofen / Horn on Lake Constance

Germany : 7 to 10 May 2020

Topic will follow later / Thema folgt später

Academy Wildkogel
Erding near Munich

Austria : 13 and 14 May 2020

Course theme follows / Kursthema folgt

IVO Haas Salzburg

Austria : 16 and 17 May 2020

Course theme follows / Kursthema folgt

IVO Haas Salzburg

Germany : 18 to 22 May 2020

Find shapes – gesture stain area shape / Formen finden – Geste Fleck Fläche Form

La Cuna del Arte
Stephanskirchen / Rosenheim

Sweden : date to come (May)

Working Title: Line Area Stain Non-color [MEETS] color / Arbeitstitel: Linie Fläche Fleck Non-color [MEETS] color

Gothenburg / Sweden

Germany : 22 to 26 June 2020

Working title: Excursus color / Arbeitstitel: Exkurs Farbe

Factory on the lake – Gaienhofen / Horn on Lake Constance

Hungary : date to come (June)

Working title: Non-color [MEETS] color / pearlescent black and powder white / Arbeitstitel: Non-color [MEETS] color / Perlsamtschwarz und Puderweiß

Modular Academy Budapest

Germany : 20 to 24 July 2020

Working title: On the way to the white picture .. / Arbeitstitel: Auf dem Weg zum weißen Bild ..

Factory on the lake – Gaienhofen / Horn on Lake Constance

France : 3 to 13 September 2020

Art and painting trip Autumn light of the south / Kunst- und Malreise Herbstlicht des Südens

St Paul de Vence – French Riviera

France : 17 to 22 September 2020

Painting journey Autumn light of the south / Malreise Herbstlicht des Südens

St Paul de Vence – French Riviera

Germany : 5 to 9 October 2020

Working title: Contrasts, clarity, great form / Arbeitstitel: Kontraste, Klarheit, Große Form

Factory on the lake – Gaienhofen / Horn on Lake Constance

Germany : 14 to 18 October 2020

Working title: Non-color / Arbeitstitel: Non-colour

Free Art Academy Gerlingen
at Stuttgart

Germany : 25 to 29 October 2020

The way to the white picture / Der Weg zum weißen Bild

Free Art Academy Augsburg

Germany : 9 to 13 November 2020

Working title: Autumn fog clear / Arbeitstitel: Herbst Nebel lichten sich

Factory on the lake – Gaienhofen / Horn on Lake Constance

Germany : 7 to 9 December 2020

The small format – really big / Das kleine Format – ganz Groß

Academy Wildkogel

Germany : 10 to 13 December 2020

The small format – really big / Das kleine Format – ganz Groß

Erding near Munich

For more informations :

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