Ines Hildur : Workshops 2019

You will find below the list of the next Ines Hildur workshops (places available):

Germany : 28 and 29 June (2 places available)

VHS Chemnitz : Magic Uncount

Austria : 4 to 7 July (1 place available)

Kunstfabrik Wien : The way to the white picture … out of darkness breaks out light

Germany : 2 to 6 October

Freie Kunstakademie Gerlingen : Formfinding

Germany : 21 to 25 October

La Cuna del Arte : nuances

Germany : 27 to 30 November

Akademie Wildkogel Atelier Erding near Munich : Black and white painting and GüldenGlanz

Germany : 9 to 11 December

Akademie Wildkogel Atelier Hipoltstein : Black and white painting and GüldenGlanz

You don’t have the possibility to go to one of these workshops?

Don’t worry, Ines has planned workshops in 2020.

We will give you the dates very soon.

You can also have more informations on :

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