
Ines Hildur : Workshops 2020

You will find below the list of Ines Hildur workshops of 2020 : Germany : 12 to 16 January 2020 Black and white painting .. a void that is not nothing / Schwarz-Weiß-Malerei .. eine Leere, die kein Nichts ist Free Art Academy Augsburg Germany : 24 and 25 January 2020 Pompeian Red Eucalyptus Green and GüldenGlanz / Pompejanisch Rot […]
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Ines Hildur : Workshops 2019

You will find below the list of the next Ines Hildur workshops (places available): Germany : 28 and 29 June (2 places available) VHS Chemnitz : Magic Uncount Austria : 4 to 7 July (1 place available) Kunstfabrik Wien : The way to the white picture … out of darkness breaks out light Germany : 2 to 6 October Freie […]
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Ines Hildur : Art Bodensee

Ines Hildur is pleased to invite you to the international art fair art bodensee which will be held from 28 to 30 June 2019 at the Van Gogh Art Gallery in Madrid. Ines can be found at booth 65. You can also have more informations :
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